Welcome to Year 6

The highlight of our year (apart from SATs, of course…) is our residential visit to Ironbridge Gorge in Summer Term. Throughout the rest of the year, we also enjoy trips to Yorkshire Wildlife Park and the theatre, as well as visits from sculptor Janine Knight, author Matt Dickinson and first aid trainers.

In a normal week, indoor PE is on a Friday and outdoor Games is on a Tuesday. However, we do ask the children to bring both kits in on a Monday and take them home on a Friday in case there are unplanned changes in the week.

Maths homework is sent out on a Wednesday and should be submitted by the following Monday. We will also occasionally send other homework such as spellings.

Children are expected to read at home at least four times a week. This can be with an adult or independently and should be recorded in the reading journal.

A normal day in Year 6 consists of Spelling, Maths, English and Comprehension every day, with a selection of non-core subjects through the week including: Games, PE, Science, RE, Music, Spanish or Computing, History or Geography and PSHE.

As readers, we will use a variety of texts from the school reading spine. We will study a range of texts about adaptation and evolution; study a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and books about environment; and study a selection of stories and poems.
As writers, we will write a narrative based on the story Tyger. We will also write a persuasive text about climate change, focussing on the work of Greta Thunberg. 
As mathematicians, we will learn about place value in numbers to 10,000,000. We will also learn about integers and negative numbers. We will learn about the four rules of number (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and working with fractions.
As scientists, we will learn about living things and their habitats, the conditions for living things to grow, and how to classify plants, animals and microorganisms. We will also learn about electricity; constructing circuits and voltage.
As geographers, we will learn about mapping the world, locating places and reading maps, and conducting fieldwork and presenting findings. We will further develop their understanding of physical geography around the world.
As theologians, we will consider the question, do you have to believe in God to be good? We will explore what good means to different people. We will learn about Buddhism, enlightenment, the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path followed in daily life. We will also learn about humanist beliefs and the beliefs of an atheist.
As users of technology, we will learn how protecting ourselves online,  and we will recognise ways to minimise the risks of working online. Also, we will learn how to use iPads to create 3D images, using CAD (computer aided design).
As artists, we will further refine our skills in sewing, learning new stitches and learn how to use different these stitches to create a textured effect. We will also look at different types of architecture and the designer Zaha Hadid.
As responsible citizens, we learn about “Me In My World”. We will look at the year ahead that focusses on goals and worries and being a global citizen. We will then look at “Celebrating Difference”, including understanding differences and bullying.
As musicians, we will explore patterns in music, from a range of composers across many centuries and create our own pattern pieces in music. We shall extend both our recorder and handbell playing and develop an appreciation of a wide range of musical styles.
As sports people, we will be given the opportunity to choreograph and implement our own routines to a piece of music. We will also start to explore the role of being a referee due to our knowledge of sport.
As linguists, we will look at the different verbs and how to use them in Spanish.
As designers, we will explore the great designers and inventors of our time and think about their journey to reach their final products.

As readers, we will use a variety of texts from the school reading spine. We study non-fiction books about modern and ancient China; read a selection of fiction books set in China; and study a variety of texts linked to Kenya.


As writers, we write a description of a Massai woman and write a comparison about Kenya and the UK. We also write a biography and diary entry.


As mathematicians, we will learn about ratio and fractions. We will also learn about scale factors, algebra, decimals and percentages, area and perimeter, volume and statistics.


As scientists we will describe how living things are classified into broad groups and give reasons as to how we have classified them.


As geographers, we will learn about mountains and the environment. We will use maps, atlases and digital mapping to deepen our knowledge of topography and understand key aspects of mountains. We will also learn about the impact of tourism and how this affects the human and physical geography and environment of mountainous regions.


As historians, we will be learning about the ancient civilisation - The Shang Dynasty.


As theologians, we will revisit the key beliefs in Hinduism, looking at the Trimurti, dharma and moksha in relation to the cycle of life. We will investigate the rites of passage for birth and marriage in Hinduism and the value these have within the religion. As theologians we will revisit the key beliefs in Islam, looking at tawid and harmony and at the straight path, Shariah. We will investigate the rites of passage for birth and marriage in Islam and compare them with key features from the Hindu religion.


As computer users, we will design and create a multi-level maze game. Also, we will debug complex selection and loop errors.


As artists, we will be introduced to watercolour paints and learn how to use them and blend the colours in different ways and for different effects. We will continue to develop our pastel skills to show light and shade in our work and apply the skills we have learnt in painting, using different techniques to show texture and depth. We will look at the work of the ancient Chinese artist Shen Zhou, discussing the techniques used, the content of the paintings and the viewers’ responses, before recreating our own work in his style.


As responsible citizens, we learn how to recognise poor and good mental health. We discover what things can impact on our mental health and explore techniques we can use to help us to relax. We learn about the effects of physical activity on our mood and sleep.


As musicians, we will compare two contrasting styles of world music. We shall explore modes and timbre in the case of Chinese and Indonesian music. We shall contrast this with the riff and rhythm patterns used in African music. We shall continue to develop a range of instrumental skills.


As sports people, we will start to evaluate performances effectively using our gymnastics assessment criteria to suggest improvements.


As linguists, we will learn about the geography of Spain and the weather in its different regions.

As readers, we will use a variety of texts from the school reading spine. We study fiction and non-fiction texts related to the Victorians and our study of the transition from an agrarian to industrial society - specifically related to our residential visit in Ironbridge Gorge.


As writers, we will record an experiment, using clear instructions; recount an experience of being in a Victorian classroom; and write an explanation about what we believe would make a good Monarch.


As mathematicians, we will continue to practise and increase our fluency in all the areas of maths previously covered, whilst also focussing on shape, position and direction.


As scientists, we will investigate how voltage can affect output and learn the correct symbols when drawing a simple circuit diagram. We will also identify and describe the functions of the main part of the human circulatory system, how diet and lifestyle impacts our bodies and how animals use nutrients and water to thrive.


As geographers, we will experience an exciting trip to Ironbridge Gorge and from there, develop geography work from our first hand experiences. Children will learn about the water-cycle in more depth and study the River Severn, describing settlement patterns and economic activity around this area.


As historians, we will be investigating aspects of life in our locality in the Victorian era and how it influenced our present day.


As theologians, we will revisit the key beliefs in Christianity, looking at the God, the Fall and the Trinity. We will look at theories of the creation of the earth and analyse how these compare to the theories in Hinduism and Islam. We will look at Christian rites of passage for birth, confirmation and also marriage which will be compared to other faiths and also non religious traditions.


As computer users, we will calculate different averages using formulas, as well as using different tools to help us to analyse data. Also, we will combine different computing applications to achieve a specific goal.


As artists, we will link our work to our residential visit to Ironbridge Gorge and Victorian Britain. We will look at the work of William Morris and recreate our own versions in his style using printing with 3 layers, painting in watercolour and textiles. We will also work as a large group to produce a big painting, where we can show texture, light, shade and depth by applying all the skills and techniques we have learnt through school.


As responsible citizens, we learn about entrepreneurs and their skills. We discover the differences between legal, prescribed, restricted and illegal drugs and how drugs affect us.


As musicians, we will consider the music of the Victorian era, from Music Hall songs to Romantic composers. We shall use the idea of machinery from the Industrial Revolution as a starting point for composing work. We will also have the opportunity to sing in a musical production.


As sports people, we will start to apply the technique of throwing a discus and work on hurdles stride.


As linguists, we will learn about different public buildings in towns and areas and learn new vocabulary to help us on our holidays in Spanish speaking countries.


As designers, we will design and make a bridge using paper. We will assess its performance throughout the process and discuss improvements. In food technology, we will design and make a tart. We will investigate simple tart recipes and older Victorian tart recipes and from this create our own design specification and recipe. We will then make and evaluate our final product.